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Duken forum upgrade 4.4.*

Aanbevolen reactie

  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Zoals de update goden er voorstaan lijkt IPB de update van de forum software 4.4 in januari te willen uitgeven. Ervaring leert dat er best een maand overheen kan gaan maar zodra 4.4 is uitgeven gaan wij natuurlijk mee!

Op dit moment draait ipb zelf 4.4 in beta. Er zitten weer veel nieuwe en verbeterde features in voor een snellere, gezelligere en actiever forum gebruik.

De lijst vinden we hier ( Engels talig)


We hebben er zin in! :proost:


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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

De beta is vorige week officieel uitgegeven. Ik verwacht nog een week of twee of de officiële release.

Hoop het zo :)

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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Pfff Volgende week dan eindelijk 4.4?!



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Ik ben ook wel benieuwd onderhand of alle vernieuwingen en mogelijkheden het forum aantrekkelijker gaan maken. Moderatie mogelijkheden moeten ook aangepast zijn als ik het goed begrijp en je krijgt ook meer filter mogelijkheden om narigheid te voorkomen in forum reacties.

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  • 0
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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Ja vanaf morgen zijn we een week verder. De release die is er dus elk moment. :)

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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

4.4 is geinstalleerd! Lang verhaal over de update volgt ;)

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  • Bijdragen:  2641
  • Waardering:   607
  • Prestatiepunten:  2561
  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Hierbij de volledige update lijst:

IPS Community Suite 4.4.0

Released 02/25/2019

Key Changes

Major New Features / Enhancements

  • Post Before Registering
  • Animated GIFs
  • AdminCP Notification Center
  • New Email Features:
    • Email Statistics
    • Email Advertisements
    • Unfollow Without Logging In
  • SEO Improvements:
    • Improved pagination with page number now in path (rather than query string) and unique page titles for paginated pages.
    • Improved use of canonical tags.
    • Improved handling of empty containers and profiles to reduce soft 404s.
    • Improved JSON-LD markup, adding @id tags and fixing URLs for comments.
    • Removed page output hidden by JavaScript.
  • Performance Improvements:
    • Added Lazy Loading for images, which will speed up page rendering.
    • Added HTTP/2 support with prefetch/preload.
    • Added support for Brotli compression.
    • Improved default profile photos to use inline SVGs rather than generated images, which will speed up page rendering.
    • Improved browser caching of pages served by the guest page cache, which will reduce the number of requests reaching the server.
    • Improved handing of session data for guests to reduce database reads for guests.
    • Optimized images to reduce file size for faster page rendering.
    • Other minor performance improvements to reduce database queries and fix unnecessary code execution.
  • Commerce Store Filters allow customers to filter products by price, review, stock, or custom admin-defined filters.


  • Added setting to display user group formatting in more areas (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added less intrusive browser notification prompt in Notifications menu (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability to show sidebar blocks to only certain types of devices (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability for club owners to reorder the navigation tabs (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability for announcements to be linked to an URL or be a title only (see 6 New Micro Features), improved consistency in how announcements are shown in different areas.
  • Improved UI for entering time intervals in AdminCP settings (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added a new Icons & Logos section in the AdminCP which allows providing logos for use when sharing links from the community, adding the community as a home screen app on a mobile device (along with additional settings for a PWA manifest to control certain aspects the community’s behaviour when used in this way), and in Safari’s favourites menus and pinned tabs on macOS.
  • Added a new UI for attachments, showing a box with some information about the file, rather than a plain line (see Turbo charging loading speeds).


  • Braintree Gateway including support for PayPal (with recurring payments), Venmo, and cards. Deprecates some PayPal features.
  • Added ability to target bulk mails to members who have spent certain amounts.
  • Added sidebar widgets for best sellers, latest products, product reviews and a featured product.

New Server Requirements: PHP 7.1.0 or higher required (7.3.x now supported). MySQL 5.5.3 or higher requires (5.6.2 recommended).

Removed Features

  • Removed EmojiOne-style emojis due to licensing issues.
  • Removed Gravatar support due to privacy concerns and performance issues.
  • Removed password hashes when downloading a member list from the AdminCP. This is for security, to reduce the ease of obtaining sensitive data if the AdminCP is ever compromised.
  • Removed the name of the content (e.g. topic) from the “Next Unread” link which could consume significant server resources on large communities.
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  • 607
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  • Moderators

  • Bijdragen:  2641
  • Waardering:   607
  • Prestatiepunten:  2561
  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Upgrade naar 4.4.1 is uitgevoerd.

Niks spannends, alleen security fixes.

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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

4.4.2 is zojuist actief

This includes a security patch and we recommend you upgrade as soon as possible.


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  • Bijdragen:  4260
  • Waardering:   1414
  • Prestatiepunten:  3088
  • Dagen gewonnen:  88
  • Lid sinds:  03/20/17
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  

Ik zal het forum in de gaten houden op bugs.

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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Dank je Mehmeh! 

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  • Oud-beheerder

  • Bijdragen:  26218
  • Waardering:   2934
  • Prestatiepunten:  25048
  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Upgrade naar 4.4.3 is uitgevoerd. Veel fixes... heel veel :) Alles werkt zover te zien nog goed.



  • Fixed an XSS concern deleting members in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an XSS concern managing Downloads versions from the changelog view.
  • Fixed a minor XXE possibility in blog RSS imports.


  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.11.4.
  • Updated LinkedIn login handler to use the LinkedIn v2 API.
  • Improved performance when merging two comments with duplicated member reactions for large sites.
  • Improved performance when working with edit history logs.
  • Improved security of how passwords are handled in the code to decrease the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.
  • Improved the display of the upgrader confirmation page.
  • Improved performance of the latest activity stream shown on user profiles.
  • Improved anonymous log in tracking to resolve an issue with "Since my last visit" activity streams
  • Improved the UX configuring moderator permissions for clubs, including the ability to disable club-level moderators.
  • Improved database error reporting in certain error situations.
  • Improved performance of a 4.1.8 upgrader step.
  • Changed AdminCP notifications for "A new member has completed registration" and "A member is flagged as a spammer" to show all applicable members grouped into a single notification, rather than a separate notification for each member. This change gives a significant performance improvement for sites which have lots of new registrations.
  • Fixed multiple formatting concerns with custom profile fields.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring soft-deleted content would throw an exception under specific circumstances ( e.g. when there was no record in the soft deletion log ).
  • Fixed an issue where the member group restriction to require one piece of approved content before users can bypass content moderation was not correctly applied to posts made before registering.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a member's content and then deleting the member may result in the content not being removed.
  • Fixed SVG images breaking when served through the built in image proxy.
  • Fixed an issue with profile completion if you choose not to upload a profile photo.
  • Fixed third party processor information not showing when users are forced to reaccept an updated privacy policy.
  • Fixed the "Remove followers from uncommented content" setting not working.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking to delete a member twice might result in all status updates being removed from the search index.
  • Fixed an issue where copying content from one area with an attached image and pasting into another area may result in a broken image.
  • Fixed an issue where allowing a user to moderate comments, but not items, would result in an error when using the multi-moderation menu.
  • Fixed inability to edit profile fields by members if the field was not displayed on the profile.
  • Fixed invalid HTML in the quick search form.
  • Fixed an issue where a comment or post made before registering which requires moderator approval after the registration is completed may not update the container flag to indicate that comments within the container require approval.
  • Fixed an error where the member view in the AdminCP may become broken if the member history for the user includes an old subscription group change and Commerce is not installed.
  • Fixed an issue where broken letter photos may be displayed in emails.
  • Fixed an issue with clean up tasks where they may try to delete a member that doesn't exist.
  • Fixed an error that can occur if you double click the "unfollow" button quickly.
  • Fixed autosaved content in the editor not clearing out when it was deleted within the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where MFA while the login would send 3 'new device' emails to the member instead of only one.
  • Fixed an issue where attachment links inserted into content may have a hard coded URL.
  • Fixed an upgrade issue where custom file storage configurations in 3.x may not be preserved correctly when upgrading to 4.x.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception when visiting a specifically malformed follow link.
  • Fixed attachment bbcode tags not converting correctly when upgrading from version 2.0 or older.
  • Fixed the About Me default custom field not showing on new installs.
  • Fixed email statistic charts so they report more accurately.
  • Fixed issues with performing advanced member searches in the AdminCP when multi-select custom profile fields are present.
  • Fixed a minor inconsistency with group name formatting.
  • Fixed an issue rebuilding certain meta data in Elasticsearch.
  • Fixed an issue where items and comments queued for deletion or submitted by a guest prior to registration are returned via the REST API.
  • Fixed an error when searching a specific search string.
  • Fixed a possible error that can occur during login when using the post before register feature.
  • Fixed the Notification Settings form in the Admin CP so that it can save properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Login Handlers were shown out of order.
  • Fixed an issue where the canonical link HTML tag may include unnecessary query string parameters (i.e. filters).
  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP settings search results were not always highlighted when clicked on.
  • Fixed an issue where the pagination for comment and review areas wouldn't link directly to the comments area when Javascript is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where content item and comment widgets would show content from not specified categories.
  • Fixed an issue where editor auto saved content may not be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where some content may not show a report link.
  • Removed the hide signatures toggles from guests when they are able to see signatures.
  • Prevented search engine spiders from following the cookie notice dismissal link.
  • Removed poll votes from showing in the All Activity stream.
  • Removed ability to copy theme settings.
  • Removed the unread indicator in several widgets because it can't be used there because of the widget cache.
  • Removed the ability to toggle cover photos in clubs list when no image was uploaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the support tool could incorrectly report undiagnosed problems.
  • Fixed missing images when lazy loading is enabled in several areas.
  • Fixed an HTML validation issue with mini-pagination next to multi-page content item titles.
  • Fixed an uncaught exception which is thrown by the Admin Notification System.
  • Fixed member validation display issue in ACP notifications page while mobile.
  • Fixed attachments being added to an editor which has attachments disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a display name sync error may be displayed on the AdminCP member profile.
  • Fixed two language strings where countries have changed their names: Macedonia is now North Macedonia and Swaziland is now Eswatini.
  • Fixed some broken messenger related links.

Core - Clubs

  • Fixed "Clubs" tab showing when splitting content even if clubs are disabled.
  • Fixed display issue with club tabs on mobile devices
  • Removed ability to reorder club tabs on mobile devices


  • Fixed a duplicated error code in the topics REST API endpoints.
  • Fixed images used in forum rules not displaying when image lazy loading is enabled.
  • Fixed a potential upgrade error when reformatting forum rules during the 4.0.0 upgrade routine.


  • Added an additional subtotal language phrase to the cart summary for localization flexibility.
  • Improved legacy parser to potentially allow conversions of tables in content.
  • Changed renewal terms to not allow $0 renewals.
  • Fixed an error occurring submitting new tickets when read/write database separation is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where up/downgrading a purchase could result in an error or the expiry date changing incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a cancelled subscription may still generate a renewal invoice (and subsequently charge the user).
  • Fixed tax class being lost with renewal terms in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where images may not show in printable invoices if lazyload is enabled.
  • Fixed support stream date-based filters producing incorrect results.
  • Fixed stock action text not defaulting in the form when creating a new ticket from the AdminCP if you do not use a signature.
  • Fixed an issue where the password field on the store checkout form might disappear if using Chrome's password autofill feature.
  • Fixed an issue where invoices may not have a billing address set when one is available.
  • Fixed an issue where a template error may be thrown for non-recurring subscriptions.
  • Fixed a missing language string if you had servers configured prior to upgrading to 4.4.
  • Fixed adding a custom package to an invoice.
  • Fixed an exception being logged when rebuilding the search index if any custom packages have been created.
  • Fixed the PayPal Billing Agreements radio element not showing selected if BAs are enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where files uploaded to a custom field may not be downloadable.
  • Removed a stray HTML end tag.
  • Restored Braintree gateway option. Included a disclaimer about qualification process.


  • Fixed an issue where cloning a custom field would result in a database error.
  • Fixed an issue on the media page where the "File Overview" Tab was not set as activated and also not clickable when one or more files from the file list were selected.
  • Added last modified date to database category and record sitemaps.


  • Changed the reputation type flag for album comments and reviews to resolve bugs where the reputation may be mistakingly treated as if it belongs to an image comment or review.
  • Fixed an issue submitting images to an album if the category requires moderator approval.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when downloading the original image in Gallery if the original image is missing on disk by forcing the largest available size to download instead.
  • Fixed image lazy loading not working correctly in category rules, descriptions and custom error messages.
  • Fixed the submission dialog box potentially showing an incorrect dialog title.
  • Fixed an issue where uploaded videos could not be played in the lightbox.
  • Fixed editor showing twice for each image during submission.


  • Added a group setting that will allow users to bypass download restrictions when downloading a file that's been purchased.
  • Added the ability to shut off version numbers per-category.
  • Improved the header styling on the homepage.
  • Improved performance, especially of the index page.
  • Reduced top spacing (margin) of the sidebar when viewing the index page.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields may show out of order.


  • Fixed an issue where the previous and next link under the blog entry could link to hidden or soft deleted entries.
  • Fixed some minor UI issues with the "Blogs" widget.


  • Added an option to prevent edits and RSVPs for events that have passed.

REST & OAuth

  • Fixed the search REST API endpoint.


  • Improved vBulletin archive redirects.
  • Improved vBulletin blog conversions to retain the date the blog or blog entry was followed.
  • Fixed an issue where converted members won't be marked as completed.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to convert from a platform with converters for apps that are not installed.
  • Fixed an issue where PM replies may be duplicated when converting from vBulletin.
  • Fixed an issue with converting comments from Vanilla.


  • Fixed an edge case issue where some legacy customers may be unable to use the AdminCP upgrader.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

Backwards-incompatible changes that may affect third party applications / plugins:

  • Methods that handle passwords in login handlers (authenticateUsernamePassword(), authenticatePasswordForMember(), changePassword()) now receive an object which can be cast to a string, rather than a normal string, for the password. This reduces the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.
  • The onPassChange MemberSync callback now receives an object which can be cast to a string, rather than a normal string, for the password. This reduces the likelihood of a password being included in an error log.

Enhancements / fixes for developers:

  • Added a new constant \IPS\DEV_LOG_HEADERS which allows you to log all headers being sent during responses.
  • Better abstracted code that dynamically builds class paths for areas that are no longer using iterators.
  • Improved some extension skeleton files to not cause a ParseError once the extension is created.
  • Fixed color fields not initializing for new rows added in a manageable matrix.

Fixes that only affect developer mode or third party apps/plugins:

  • Fixed some functions not being called from the root namespace and throwing warnings when in developer mode.
  • Fixed an undefined index loading form to add a new hosting server in Commerce.

Code-level fixes that may have been causing bugs in third party apps/plugins:

  • Added code comments to all of the default constant values in init.php explaining what they all do.
  • Ensured all default wizard instances are cast as a string before being sent to the output handler.
  • Fixed an issue when pluralization and sprintf functionality is used together and the placeholder is used in the pluralized string.
  • Fixed an issue with post before register where it was assumed content items would have a container.
  • Fixed an exception when post before registering is checked against a content item that supports reviews but not comments.
  • Fixed some ambiguous column concerns with the \IPS\Content\Item::_comments() method.
  • Fixed an issue editing titles via Ajax when the item class does not use containers.
  • Fixed an issue where the release date may not show correctly for third party plugins or themes.
  • Fixed some functions not being called from the root namespace and throwing an IN_DEV warning.
  • Fixed the widget configuration form being called twice which may result in some form elements duplicating.
  • Improved some extension skeleton files to not cause a ParseError once the extension is created.
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  • Bijdragen:  2641
  • Waardering:   607
  • Prestatiepunten:  2561
  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Upgrade naar versie 4.4.4 is uitgevoerd. Veel fixes en verbeteringen. Altijd handig :)


IPS Community Suite 4.4.4

Released 06/06/2019

Key Changes

Version 4.4.4 is a maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.3.

Additional Information


  • Added support for [Emoji 11](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-11.0/) emojis
  • Added logging for errors communicating with Spam Defense.
  • Added an admin log when existing member notification preferences are updated.
  • Added a pre-installed Giphy key that can be used for all Invision Community installations.
  • Improved usability and display of date-based member filters.
  • Improved account validation process to prevent accounts being inadvertently validated by scrapers and bots, and to improve the user experience when following a validation link that is no longer valid.
  • Improved the opcache comments check on the REST API Reference page.
  • Improved sending bulk emails via SendGrid.
  • Improved post before register permissions when allowing guests to create content, but not members.
  • Improved performance when viewing all IP addresses used by a member.
  • Clarified the registration completed email when no local password has been set.
  • Fixed an issue where members may not be marked as complete, and thus will not show within the community, in some circumstances.
  • Fixed the Posts Per Day group setting not applying consistently to all content.
  • Fixed an issue where click tracking may not be applied to all links in emails sent.
  • Fixed emails for AdminCP notifications "A new member has completed registration" and "A member is flagged as a spammer" not sending.
  • Fixed an issue that could occur if deleting a node (i.e. forum) if there was already a move task from another node in progress.
  • Fixed the email statistics charts in the AdminCP showing incorrect data when viewing weekly charts.
  • Fixed an issue where the inbox list may be stuck showing a spinner when canceling a search in the personal messenger.
  • Fixed an issue where folder counts may show NaN after deleting a folder in the personal messenger.
  • Fixed an issue that may occur when deleting/moving login handler related images.
  • Fixed searching by tags not honoring the "Convert all tags to lowercase" setting.
  • Fixed 'post before register' content submissions not incrementing the user's post count if pre-moderation is not required.
  • Fixed an issue related to 'post before register' where 'next unread' item links may show when there isn't any new content.
  • Fixed the callback URL used for Wordpress sign in.
  • Fixed the digest task looping on a follow attached to a deleted member.
  • Fixed the `PruneMembers` background task from endlessly looping in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed disabling password changes in the AdminCP settings not removing the link to change your password on the Account Settings overview page.
  • Fixed issue where lazy-loaded images in warn reasons would prevent warn reason from automatically updating when new reason was selected due to incorrect editor 'dirty' status.
  • Fixed a niche issue where promoting an item may show an auto scheduled time from the past.
  • Fixed an issue where the button to change a members profile photo would still show on their profile when they do not have permission to upload profile photos.
  • Fixed an issue where public clubs would show the member count in several locations.
  • Fixed an edge-case issue with redirecting old non-rewrite FURLs after enabling rewrites.
  • Fixed issue checking signature image dimensions when using 'insert existing attachment' when using Amazon S3.
  • Fixed an issue where the frontend upgrade notice wouldn't disappear once dismissed.
  • Fixed an issue where cover photos might disappear shortly after displaying.
  • Fixed an issue with lazy load placeholders when added to existing content.
  • Fixed a layout issue with the mobile pagination buttons.
  • Fixed an unnecessary redirect when viewing a club.
  • Fixed a potential timeout running the cleanup task.
  • Fixed Elasticsearch being able to be set up with version 7 (which is not yet supported). Trying to do that will now show an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where moved links may show in the topic widget.
  • Fixed an issue where a member registering with an auto-detected language would revert back to the default language after registration.
  • Fixed an issue where the latest activity tooltip would state "online now" when the member was offline.
  • Fixed broken login form.
  • Fixed status pagination loading a full page instead of comments only.
  • Fixed non-latin characters in the URL showing incorrectly when moving between pages.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval queue may show content in the wrong order.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest signup block title and text was reversed in vertical view.
  • Fixed an issue where custom friendly URLs would not use the newer `/page/2/` pagination format.
  • Fixed an issue where club pagination in user profiles was showing the wrong number of pages.
  • Fixed an issue where a Redis failure caused an uncaught exception.
  • Fixed an issue where the Clubs REST API would throw an error if commerce isn't installed.
  • Fixed an issue where online user lists may be empty following a Redis crash.
  • Fixed an issue where incomplete member registrations were not cleared correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Post Before Register Followups were sent out immediately rather than delayed.
  • Fixed an exception that prevents storage handler changes from being saved properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Failed Emails' AdminCP notification may not be removed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Anonymous login" checkbox was incorrectly checked.
  • Fixed an issue where PBR content would be left in the database for uninstalled applications.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a template disk cache could corrupt and affect templates loading.
  • Fixed an issue where members created via the ACP weren't marked as completed.
  • Fixed an issue with Flickr video embeds showing as photos.
  • Fixed an issue with notifications not showing as unread.
  • Fixed an issue where the exact profile field search option had no affect.
  • Fixed an issue where the default country was not correctly set in address form inputs.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest teaser would not show on the comment form in some circumstances.
  • Disabled Grammarly from checking editor fields to prevent Grammarly from breaking HTML and causing broken posts.
  • Disabled preloading of notification sound to speed up initial page load.
  • Disabled concurrent comment merging in status replies.
  • Removed post content from Post Before Register reminder emails to prevent spam.
  • Removed ability to sort club menu tabs if only one tab is present.


  • Fixed a niche issue where the 'Delete Legacy Posts/Topics' background task may not work when ran via CRON.
  • Fixed an error when moving topics in fluid view.
  • Fixed a database error that could occur when archiving old posts.


  • Fixed tax class being lost with renewal terms when editing a purchase.
  • Fixed tax class being lost when renewal invoices were generated for location-specific tax rates.
  • Fixed an issue where tickets from non-registered users may link to an empty ticket listing.
  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP notifications for pending withdrawals link to the wrong page.
  • Fixed Stripe webhooks unnecessarily reporting an error.
  • Fixed category filters not displaying on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a support request with a guest member and email address via REST API wouldn't store the email address.
  • Fixed an issue which would result in an empty product list on the registration form.
  • Fixed an issue searching last names in admin live search.
  • Fixed an issue where manually creating an invoice and adding renewals doesn’t prevent an auto-renewal invoice being added later.
  • Fixed an issue where the member subscriptions block was not editable.


  • Fixed times displaying as timestamps for some Pages blocks.
  • Fixed records not sorting correctly by 'highest rated'.
  • Fixed the `updaterecords` task not running correctly if a database exists that is not assigned to a page.
  • Fixed an issue where 'follows' may not get removed when a category or database is deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where the create menu could get out of sync when the page name or the default page were changed.
  • Fixed an issue where adding records via the create menu may not show categories for default pages.
  • Fixed an issue that can occur when moving a record in a database that is not assigned to a page.
  • Fixed an issue where Our Picks can throw an error if a database is unassigned from a page.
  • Fixed an issue where, in certain circumstances, notifications could be sent for records that weren't viewable.
  • Removed record image dimensions from JSON-LD markup for database records to improve performance in some cases.


  • Fixed an SQL error that could occur when upgrading from older versions.
  • Fixed an issue where the purchase count for Files associated to purchases was shown in the widgets and downloads index page blocks.
  • Fixed an issue in the 'Download Reviews' widget, where links to reviews on page >1 were broken.


  • Fixed an issue where past reputation for image comments and reviews no longer displayed.
  • Fixed browser scrollbar disappearing while editing Gallery image details in some cases.
  • Fixed image carousel widgets not displaying correctly in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading on small screens caused the status to overflow outside of its box.
  • Fixed an issue where images may show as unread incorrectly in streams.


  • Fixed an issue where recurring events may show on the wrong day in Calendar.
  • Fixed an issue where all day events specified an incorrect start and end time in search engine markup.


  • Fixed an issue where reaction images may get converted into the wrong container.
  • Fixed an inaccurate progress bar on a background task that runs after completing a conversion.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Added a `$statementReverse` parameter to use `NOT IN` in the where clause when `\IPS\Db::select()` is passed to `\IPS\Db::delete()`.
  • Added a further check when trying to choose which storage configuration should be used for new storage extensions.
  • Added a new Language String Option `removeLazyLoad` which will remove the lazy load links while parsing the language string.
  • Fixed an incorrect class reference when passing `\IPS\Db::select()` to the `$where` parameter of `\IPS\Db::delete()`.
  • Fixed a search error that could occur with 3rd party applications.
  • Fixed an issue with the rest API where output was json encoded before language replacements.
  • Changed the default parameter in the `IPS\Content\Review::url` method.'
  • Removed unused code in the \IPS\core\modules\admin\promotion\advertisements::getHtml method.
  • Removed UI for immediately sending Bulk Mail, all Bulk Mail will now be sent via background queue.
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  • Bijdragen:  26218
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  • Dagen gewonnen:  265
  • Lid sinds:  12/17/11
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Was actief op:  Windows

Upgrade naar 4.4.5 uitgevoerd! Veel nieuwe fixes op de achtergrond :)

IPS Community Suite 4.4.5

Released 08/08/2019

Key Changes

Version 4.4.5 is a maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.4.

Additional Information


  • Added an Admin CP dashboard widget to show total members.
  • Added back the ability to search personal messages by recipient and sender name, and removed the 365 day limit on results.
  • Added an option for feeds of content that support future publishing (such as Pages records and Blog entries) to control whether published, unpublished or any results are shown.
  • Added new options for content widget feeds to return hidden content (in addition to the existing pending approval option), as well as both hidden content and content pending approval.
  • Added support for more explicit browser autofill on form fields.
  • Added moderator log support for opening/closing polls.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.12.1.
  • Improved the page speed for guests by not loading the editor or notification sound javascript libraries until they are needed.
  • Improved the error message when attempting to access the REST API in the Admin CP in the event the local server is inadvertently IP banned.
  • Improved performance when sending Digests.
  • Improved license key checking when the license server may not be available.
  • Improved reporting of Redis memory usage in support area.
  • Improved the error message when attempting to access the REST API in the Admin CP in the event the local server is inadvertently IP banned.
  • Improved performance when using the database for common data storage.
  • Improved the accuracy of the progress bar on the 'Deleting moved original files' background process.
  • Improved efficiency when generating sitemap files if certain content is configured not to be included.
  • Improved the user interface configuring Sitemaps to clarify content that will be include and excluded from the Sitemap.
  • Improved admincp upgrading when using SFTP.
  • Implemented logging to the moderator log, when a moderator removes all followers from a followable item. 
  • Changed notification read/unread status to behave as it did prior to 4.4.4.
  • Clarified the "Domains to instruct search engines to follow" setting description and improved the setting to strip http:// and https:// protocols from supplied values.
  • Fixed account failed logins not correctly locking future login attempts in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where node deletions (such as forums and categories) were not always properly logged to the administrator logs.
  • Fixed an issue where blacklisted URLs used for embeds may not trigger post moderation when configured to do so.
  • Fixed an issue where the club tab on the members profile can result in a DB error when a page <1 was used.
  • Fixed an issue where the Automatically Prune Followers setting ignored reviews.
  • Fixed an issue where it may not be possible to permanently delete deleted content manually.
  • Fixed status updates not importing properly when an account is linked to multiple social logins.
  • Fixed some server error messages not showing.
  • Fixed certain notification and digest emails not sending properly via cron.
  • Fixed custom field custom formatting options being applied to fields in the AdminCP unexpectedly.
  • Fixed Custom Sorting on the Deleted Content page not working.
  • Improved upgrade process for Community in the Cloud.
  • Improved the error message when attempting to access the REST API in the Admin CP in the event the local server is inadvertently IP banned.
  • Fixed potential browser errors and warnings caused by notification sounds.
  • Fixed pagination not loading correctly when searching within messenger.
  • Fixed an issue where comment counts are decremented incorrectly when a Post Before Registering comment is cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue where the mobile keyboard would not be hidden after submitting the search form.
  • Fixed issues that can occur (such as the editor not loading) when browser local storage is unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue where auto-scheduled promotions may not correctly queue for upcoming slots.
  • Fixed maps generated by Mapbox potentially displaying larger than intended when lazy loading is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where profile completion could cause a fatal error when using custom forum themes.
  • Fixed an issue where single status update links had the wrong canonical URL.
  • Fixed a possible error when mentioning someone or using a custom emoticon in a post.
  • Fixed an issue where installing plugins with a title containing more then 32 characters would fail.
  • Fixed an issue where Elastic Search may not update records correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where user profiles may be slow to load.
  • Fixed an issue where a template error could be generated by attempting to search members when the user does not have permission to view members.
  • Fixed some styling (spacing) issues with the right-hand column shown on the Clubs homepage.
  • Fixed an issue pasting certain code into editor code boxes.
  • Fixed some old URL patterns (from IP.Board 3.x) no longer redirecting to the new URL format as of 4.4.x.
  • Fixed an issue where the publish_to_groups permission was still required to promote to Facebook pages.
  • Fixed an issue where canceling an invoice with already canceled billing agreements would try to cancel the billing agreement again.
  • Fixed a niche issue that can occur when using lazyload, image proxy and external file storage.
  • Fixed an issue where one could fake member null votes on polls.
  • Fixed an issue where profile photo permissions may not apply correctly when a user belongs to more than one group.
  • Fixed a styling issue with profile completion on mobile.
  • Fixed a broken link in the report center.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid user groups can cause an error to show to users.
  • Fixed an issue where the poll form wouldn't add an empty first question.
  • Fixed an issue where sort buttons can overlap pagination.
  • Fixed an issue where personal conversations may show a 'promote' button to members with permission to promote content.
  • Fixed incorrect REST API documentation when editing items.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'support' link in the AdminCP would be viewable if the restricted administrator did not have access.
  • Fixed an issue where the spoiler header within a post can get doubled up when selecting text within the post in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue where merging members incorrectly merged reputation.
  • Fixed an issue where the image aspect ratio setting was not set correctly when editing images.
  • Fixed an issue where search options may show for items that are not searchable.
  • Fixed AdminCP member quick-searches not searching within member names when the site can handle inline searches.
  • Adjusted instances of "recognise" in language strings to "recognize".
  • Fixed an error when full registration is enabled with no available profile fields.
  • Fixed an issue where the node controller wasn't showing the child nodes as possible target category while moving the content.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to be stuck in a position where a poll could not be re-opened. 


  • Removed the ability to create ranged recurring events that overlap (e.g. where the next occurence start time is before the first occurrence has finished).
  • Removed the timezone from event notification emails for all day events.
  • Fixed an issue where events that repeat for a set period will end one period before they should.
  • Fixed an issue where users are able to create events where the end time occurs before the start time.
  • Fixed an issue where ranged recurring events may show an incorrect date range for the event on the calendar "Day" view.
  • Fixed an issue where embedding a Calendar Event may fail in some circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where ranged recurring events may not show as occurring on an end date when they span across months.
  • Fixed an issue where the calendar name would be exposed to members which don't have permissions to view the calendar via the members online location on the profile.


  • Added the ability to specify whether the record canonical tag points to the current page, or the root page (page 1).
  • Added the ability to show just your own records via the Database Filters widget.
  • Added the ability to filter by Member field types via the Database Filters widget.
  • Added record tags to the database record listing template for newly created Listing template sets.
  • Improved the display of databases in the ACP menu.
  • Fixed an issue where excluding Pages pages from the sitemap may cause the sitemap task to get stuck and stop building new sitemap files.
  • Fixed an issue where a template group could be renamed to an existing template group, causing a conflict which results in an error.
  • Fixed an error attempting to submit records to a database where a Member type field that must be unique is configured.
  • Fixed an issue where the category title is missing from the page's HTML title tag.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a database record with a linked topic may cause an error.


  • Added support for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in Stripe.
  • Fixed referral commission not being given for renewals.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when renewal invoices are generated if no billing address existed on the original invoice.
  • Fixed invoice notification emails showing a payment failed warning if one payment method failed even if another one succeeded.
  • Fixed social login buttons not working when checking out as a guest.
  • Fixed staff replies to support emails.
  • Fixed an issue where stock replies may have new lines stripped.
  • Fixed pending withdrawl AdminCP notification link to point to the pending withdrawl filter.
  • Fixed an issue where you may not be able to delete subcategories in the store.
  • Fixed a potential error when upgrading from a version older than 4.4.2.
  • Fixed an issue where switching to a "default" support stream (ex. Open, Assigned, or Tracked Requests) can result in a MySQL error.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a customer note would not close the dialog.
  • Fixed member group being moved when upgrading or modifying an expired purchase.
  • Fixed an issue where purchase custom field labels may show as a random string or in the wrong language in the Transaction Approved email.
  • Edited the purchase email notification setting to clarify an email is sent for every item.


  • Clarified the error message shown when invalid database details are supplied.
  • Fixed an issue where a conflict may prevent some data being converted if (for example) converting attachments for blog and forums in the same conversion.
  • Fixed an issue relating to converting mentions from other platforms.
  • Fixed an issue where converting from vBulletin 5 can cause duplicate topics.
  • Fixed an issue where items selected to skip were converted anyway.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to convert only core.
  • Fixed a performance regression re-introduced in 4.4.
  • Fixed an issue preventing UBBThreads conversions working.
  • Stopped converting the "manually set time zone" preference for vBulletin conversions, as the timezone preference itself is not converted and the ability to adjust this preference is not available in our current interface.


  • Improved the performance of the Unarchive task.
  • Fixed an issue upgrading from older versions of Invision Community where topics or posts queued for deletion were present.
  • Fixed an issue where posts from ignored members were visible if the author was in a highlighted group.
  • Fixed an issue where archive settings could be saved with no more than or less than selection.
  • Fixed an issue where hiding a topic without an existing first post would stop the queue to hide all the members content.


  • Fixed Follow and Promote buttons not showing for images on mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue where inline renaming an image from the lightbox would either fail or rename the album.
  • Fixed instances where a member with a secondary group that doesn't allow albums to be created, but with a primary group that does but limits how many that can be created, will allow the member to create unlimited albums.


  • Implemented logging to the moderator log, when a moderator toggles the purchasable status of a file.
  • Removed the button to copy the Log Downloads category setting which does not apply.


  • Improved the blog header display for blogs within clubs.
  • Fixed an issue where the club leader could not set a cover photo for a club blug.
  • Fixed an issue where draft entries may be included in digests.

REST & OAuth

  • Added a “Use a different account” button on OAuth login screen

Third-Party / Developer / Designer Mode

  • Cleaned up some legacy code checking for specific PHP versions.
  • Fixed some typos in the REST API documentation.
  • Fixed malformed HTML in the admin `tabs` HTML template which caused problems when hooks were created for this template.
  • The Application and Plugin directory are limited to 80 characters.
  • Set the alreadyReported flag in \IPS\Content after reporting content to ensure correct value is returned on future calls to report methods.
  • Fixed some minor issues with the lightbox comments support (currently unused by core Invision Community code).
  • Fixed an issue where email template parameters may not be captured properly to generate the email subject, resulting in an error.
  • Fixed a potential error that may be encountered while working with Calendar dates from command line (i.e. tasks being executed via cron).
  • Fixed an error that can occur with email statistics when different applications use the same email subject language string.
  • Fixed a few functions that needed to be called from the root namespace.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Added `\IPS\Node\Model::deleteLogPermissions()` method to allow applications to specify permissions for managing deletion logs.
  • js.php javascript loader no longer creates an external dispatcher instance.
  • `\IPS\Content::logDelete()` and `\IPS\core\DeletionLog::setContentAndMember()` now accept FALSE for the member parameter, which will store the deletion log as if no specific member deleted the content.
  • Added a new `digestWhere()` method to content items, this allows you to specify an additional where clause when processing digests. 
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  • Bijdragen:  2641
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  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Zojuist doorgevoerd, upgrade naar 4.4.7

Released 10/02/2019

Version 4.4.7 is a maintenance update to fix critical issues reported since 4.4.6.

Additional Information


  • Fixed external video URLs being embeddable which could allow htaccess prompts for Firefox users, which could be manipulated for social engineering.
  • Fixed SSRF vulnerability if image proxy is enabled.
  • Fixed GET data overwriting POST data when submitting a form.


  • The gateway files for downloading attachments now issue a Content-Security-Policy header.
  • Clarified verbiage on button when resuming a UTF8 conversion.
  • Added a message for when REST API test fails due to a path conflict.
  • Added the ability to fetch members via the REST API with activity_before/activity_after parameters.
  • Added `device_key` cookie information to the cookie page.
  • Adjusted Community in the Cloud auto-upgrader interface for future upgrades as the existing progress bar was inaccurate.
  • Adjusted the Friendly URL list to allow legacy customised URLs to be reverted.
  • Updated 'username' verbiage in some areas to refer to 'display name' instead.
  • Users will now be redirected directly to reviews they submit rather than back to the item.
  • Fixed individual comments sometimes showing in “Items Only” streams when using Elasticsearch.
  • Fixed an issue where content may not be presented in Elasticsearch searches after it is updated.
  • Fixed an issue where anonymous state can be lost for sessions when using Redis for session handling.
  • Fixed errors viewing and rebuilding the leaderboard, using post before registering and viewing social promotion when MySQL 8.0.17 is used.
  • Fixed a duplicate column error that may be logged when upgrading.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when tracking email statistics if the email is sent from a task.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading a new version of a theme may not immediately reflect changes when using disk caching.
  • Fixed an issue where editing some login handlers (Facebook, Microsoft, etc.) can break in some situations when editing their details.
  • Fixed unstyled content showing in Firefox on pages containing embeds if lazy-loading is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue were re-promoting content may not correctly show the selection state of existing image attachments.
  • Fixed a rare niche issue where it's possible for a digest task to get stuck in a loop.
  • Fixed an issue with unapproved comment notifications in situations when merging content and retaining a link.
  • Fixed an issue where it's possible to cause an uncaught exception by manipulating the URL for a content item that doesn't support reactions.
  • Fixed an issue where MySQL search index records were incorrectly deleted.
  • Fixed a missing language string on the 'Support Account' AdminCP notification when Commerce isn't present.
  • Fixed an issue with the LDAP login handler where error messages during set up may not be descriptive.
  • Fixed an issue where the empty BreadcrumbList ld+json tag would be added to the output.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to bypass profanity filters when using quick title edit.
  • Fixed an issue where admin control panel failed mail notifications could show a template error.
  • Removed options for content widget feeds to return hidden content added in 4.4.5 which has been unreliable


  • Fixed “Reply to this topic” button not working for guests
  • Fixed an issue where the ACP - "Popular Now" forum settings couldn't be saved.


  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade could fail because of missing database columns.


  • Fixed an error when pasting a page link into an editor, it displayed as an embed of the entire site.
  • Fixed permissions not synchronizing properly when changing a database from using categories to not using categories.
  • Fixed Editor fields pre-populating content from other records when the "Editable when viewing a record" setting is used.
  • Fixed an issue where externally embedded blocks do not work if "Allow community to be embedded in an iframe" is not set to "Anywhere".


  • Fixed all day event dates showing incorrectly in email notifications in some timezones.


  • Fixed an issue with top downloaders/submitters statistics page losing filters when changing pages.
  • Fixed an issue with downloads storage handler custom URL when upgrading from 3.x.


  • Fixed an issue with top uploads statistics page losing filters when changing pages.


  • Improved converted row caching when running multiple conversions back-to-back.
  • Conversions will now explicitly strip HTML tags in member titles.
  • Attempt to correct corruption of serialized profile field data during conversion from vB.
  • Fixed a potential issue that can occur converting vB Blog.
  • Fixed certain data not being converted (affects SMF, vB5, Vanilla, phpBB, UBBThreads, Expression Engine).
  • Fixed an issue where the 'manage conversions' page may not load if you have legacy conversions.
  • Fixed an issue when converting content from vB5 which contains [IMG2] or [USER] BBCode.
  • Fixed an issue when converters attempt to convert administrators if the last update time is available.
  • Fixed a number of issues converting vB CMS attachments.


  • Added permalinks to the Information, Shipping, and Reviews tabs when viewing a package in the store.
  • Added a new 'neutral' display for ticket history statistics (i.e. if a statistic matches the 30 days prior).
  • Fixed an issue where members could add themselves as an alternative contact.
  • Changed the package seo name column length to 255 characters.
  • Fixed renewal invoices being generated with the wrong billing address for transferred purchases.
  • Fixed an error fetching license key info through the Commerce license key API.
  • Fixed an issue where the tax name in invoice emails could be missing.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a support department can result in an error in some circumstances, if that department had custom fields mapped to it.

Third-Party / Developer / Designer Mode

  • Applications can no longer be set as the default application if they have no front modules.
  • Fixed an error creating a new conversion software library using the AdminCP tools.
  • Fixed an issue where content items that have not defined a `$containerNodeClass` property could throw an error during searches.
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  • Bijdragen:  2641
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  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Zojuist doorgevoerd, upgrade naar 4.4.8

IPS Community Suite 4.4.8

Released 11/12/2019

Key Changes

Version 4.4.7 is a maintenance update to fix critical issues reported since 4.4.7.

Additional Information


  • Upgraded CodeMirror to 5.49.0.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.13.
  • Increased the amount of text that can be stored within an announcement.
  • Fixed merging members creating duplicate follow records.
  • Fixed an issue where accounts banned as a result of the spam service may be deleted automatically if email validation is enabled, allowing the user to register again.
  • Fixed an issue embedding Twitch clips in some cases.
  • Fixed a performance issue with Elasticsearch and posting in large topics.
  • Fixed an issue where content items would stop showing in streams when deleting the last comment on that content item and using Elasticsearch.
  • Fixed a CSRF error paginating through clubs after changing your view preference.
  • Fixed floated images inside spoilers breaking out of the spoiler box.
  • Fixed an issue with club breadcrumbs on mobile devices when the "Overview" tab is not the default tab for the club.
  • Fixed an issue confirming guests have not reviewed an item when they have used the "post before registering" feature.
  • Fixed an issue where the submit button on the account validation screen could be clicked multiple times, resulting in more than one confirmation email being sent.
  • Fixed possible issue downloading the member list export on larger sites.
  • Fixed a styling issue viewing the list of members who were not initially included in a member export.
  • Fixed an issue where club nodes weren't shown in the node selector while creating custom streams in the ACP.
  • Fixed a possible error in the menu manager where editing a deleted menu item would throw an exception.
  • Fixed an issue where email addresses weren't saved for accounts created via non-default login methods when allowed domains were defined.
  • Fixed a bug where certain email notifications triggered by guests may show incorrect verbiage in the email content.
  • Fixed two issues where replying to Status Posts or hiding/unhiding them could fail when Elastic Search is being used.
  • Fixed an issue saving custom chart views in the AdminCP when a lot of nodes were stored.
  • Fixed an issue updating date ranges for custom chart views in the AdminCP in some cases.
  • Fixed a styling issue for widgets not set to show on all devices in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where cancelling editing a post with a spoiler results in the spoiler no longer working.
  • Fixed an issue where spotify links wouldn't embed.
  • Fixed some missing friendly URLs.
  • Fixed a niche error where a wrong message can be displayed if there is a network failure whilst browsing status updates.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple New User Awaiting Validation notifications can be sent when using User then Admin Validation.


  • Fixed an issue where multipage topics that have been read can be marked as unread when visiting a page other than the last.
  • Fixed a styling issue in QA forums when no rows are shown.
  • Fixed an issue where an incorrect meta description tag may persist when navigating through the forums.


  • Fixed an issue which made it impossible to move images into albums set to allow submissions from the public, specific members, specific groups, and club members.
  • Fixed promote button not showing on non-lightbox Gallery image view fallback page.


  • Fixed potential double charges if using Stripe.
  • Fixed customer name showing as random characters in Stripe when a guest purchases something and opts to save their card on file.
  • Fixed Hosting Error ACP Notifications causing an error when viewing the notifications page.
  • Fixed an issue when a guest makes a donation.
  • Fixed the missing overlay title while creating & editing an invoice note.
  • Fixed possible timeout error when generating invoices manually in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an issue where purchases which wouldn't require a billing address couldn't be marked as paid.
  • Fixed an issue where club joining fees may be shown without tax.


  • Fixed an issue previewing feed blocks in the AdminCP when restricting the feed by author.
  • Fixed an issue where "Records" would be shown in database notification emails if categories were not being used for the database.


  • Fixed manual iCalendar uploads requiring a venue to be specified if venues are enabled.
  • Fixed an error importing ics files in the AdminCP if a venue is specified.


  • Added support for vBulletin 5.5.3+ conversions.
  • Added support for XenForo 2.1.x conversions.
  • Fixed issues with running conversions on MySQL 8.0.17 or newer.
  • Fixed an issue converting from MyBB where PMs would not reflect the correct conversation starter.
  • Fixed an issue where members may not be correctly assigned to groups that were added during the conversion.
  • Fixed a bad log reference when converting from Gallery if the image is invalid.
  • Fixed an issue where an error may be triggered when installing a new application and attempting to start a new conversion.
  • Fixed an issue converting WordPress post thumbnails to Pages record image.

Third-Party / Developer / Designer Mode

  • Centralized the breadcrumb generation method for club nodes to reduce code duplication and ensure breadcrumb consistency.
  • Changed `\IPS\Http\Url::ips()` to be declared as `final`, so hooks cannot override it.
  • Fixed an issue using custom table helpers without quicksearch where the result and page counts may inadvertently get reset.
  • Fixed an issue where cached unapproved/hidden review counts when merging content items were not adjusted properly. **You may wish to rebuild these counts in an upgrade routine within third party applications that support reviews and merging of content items.**
  • Fixed an issue where the hidden status when creating a new review may not be set properly during creation when calling `\IPS\Content\Review::create()`.
  • Minor code clarification where curly braces were omitted (while unnecessary, some found the code confusing to read).


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  • Bijdragen:  2641
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  • Dagen gewonnen:  38
  • Lid sinds:  08/22/16
  • Status:  Offline
  • Actief:  
  • Leeftijd:  43

Zojuist doorgevoerd, upgrade naar 4.4.10


IPS Community Suite 4.4.10

Released 02/04/2020

Key Changes

This is a maintenance release to fix bugs.

Additional Information


  • Added support for PHP 7.4
  • Added support for [Emoji 12.0](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-12.0/) and [Emoji 12.1](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-12.1/) emojis
  • Removed support for Gfycat embeds due to ongoing unaddressed security concerns on their end.
  • Adjusted advertisement CSS classes to use a dynamic class name.
  • Added a reset to the "upgrade in progress" flag when the upgrader is reached but there are no applications to upgrade.
  • Added caching to the "Who's Online" widget.
  • Improved progress indicator in "Complete My Profile".
  • Improved ElasticSearch error logging.
  • Added an empty alt attribute to reaction images in streams, which validators may flag as invalid HTML.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.13.1.
  • Upgraded PHPUserAgent to 0.15.0, which resolves an issue with detection of the latest Opera browser releases.
  • Updated Firefox & Edge logos on device management pages.
  • Disabled database read/write separation for tasks.
  • Disabled tasks being triggered by AJAX requests.
  • Blew Lindy's mind.
  • Fixed clubs showing up in some places when users did not have permission to access the clubs module.
  • Fixed signature edit field showing for moderators when editing a user when signatures are disabled globally.
  • Fixed an issue with member history logs when a user logs in from a new device but has not completed 2FA (when required).
  • Fixed a javascript error triggered by browser notifications on Android devices.
  • Fixed an issue where users that do not have permission to view Clubs, can still visit content item URL's directly.
  • Fixed display issues with coub.com embeds.
  • Fixed an issue detecting the visitor's country in some cases when using address form inputs.
  • Fixed an issue with dates adjusting incorrectly when crossing over DST threshold in some areas.
  • Fixed an issue using arrows in the editor after an emoji is inserted in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where some items could be missing from the leaderboard.
  • Fixed an issue where disabled apps could still attempt to process custom URLs.
  • Fixed an issue paginating in tables when certain special characters were included in the URL.
  • Fixed an issue where cookies set by javascript designed to "stick" would expire in Jan 2020.
  • Fixed AdminCP notification that a member is validating not disappearing if the member is flagged as a spammer rather than banned directly.
  • Fixed SendGrid failing to work when using a dedicated IP pool.
  • Fixed an issue where non-required profile completion steps may not be shown after required steps in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where re-entering the profile completion process after completing it once, but taking an action that requires completion again, may not place you on the correct profile completion step.
  • Fixed javascript errors preventing most javascript from working in IE11.
  • Fixed moderators encountering an error when removing a reaction from a profile status update or status reply made by another user.
  • Fixed an issue where a required profile completion step to supply values for profile fields that do not display on the a user's profile may result in endless loop.
  • Fixed an issue where a user will see an option to skip required profile completion steps, which will just reload the step.
  • Fixed multi-moderation actions so that they redirect back to the page you are currently on.
  • Fixed an issue that can occur when searching by member and changing between result pages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused images to not show properly in poll options.
  • Fixed an issue where sitemaps may show a distant past last modified date for content that doesn't have a valid last modified date.
  • Fixed an issue where animated GIF images may not be properly identified as animated.
  • Fixed an issue where profile photos would not be saved during profile completion if file uploads was the only available option.
  • Fixed an issue rebuilding topic content for areas such as Downloads and Pages that cross post to the forums.
  • Fixed an issue displaying certain locale-specific characters (such as the thousands separator, and the currency symbol) on Windows.
  • Fixes a visual issue on dropdowns in webkit-based browsers.
  • Fixed favicon icon not applying to the AdminCP correctly.
  • Fixed potential broken images when the image filename contained parenthesis characters.
  • Fixed the Safari Mask Icon not working in some server environments.
  • Fixed an issue where using long URL's in an announcement can cause a MySQL error.
  • Fixed an issue using custom WHERE clauses with an external database login handler.
  • Fixed unapproved comments incorrectly being counted on forums where the item has been moved and a link to the item has been left in its place.
  • Fixed an issue embedding Flickr albums in posts.
  • Removed 'nofollow' tag from status updates when member has no other content.


  • Added clarification that a billing address is required for automatic renewals when deleting the primary billing address.
  • Added a currency selector to the subscriptions listing.
  • Adjusted the payment method deletion process to prompt the administrator for confirmation if there are active PayPal Billing Agreements, and to cancel those Billing Agreements prior to deletion.
  • Fixed error approving or voiding transactions which were held for approval which were from a PayPal Billing Agreement.
  • Fixed an issue where the AdminCP notification indicating your PayPal payment gateway is not set up correctly may erroneously trigger.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields may incorrectly show up when checking out as a guest while quick registration is enabled.
  • Fixed a possible error when applying changes to subscription plans to existing purchases.
  • Fixed an issue where converting a product with a tax to a subscription failed.
  • Fixed invoice title not showing for transactions in Authorize.Net's control panel.
  • Fixed possible error taking Authorize.Net payments
  • Fixed an issue where images from upsold products in the add to cart dialog may not be styled or sized correctly.
  • Fixed transactions using the "Manual (check, bank wire, etc.)" payment method not showing in the list of transactions requiring attention.
  • Fixed an issue where testing settings would just output the card types when using Braintree.
  • Fixed an error during the upgrade when no default currency is set.
  • Fixed an error that occurs when creating or editing a coupon code and unchecking the "No end date" option but not providing an end date.
  • Fixed an issue where profile completion could be triggered during checkout in some circumstances.
  • Fixed possibility of setting up Stripe without a valid webhook.
  • Fixed subscriptions bypassing the payment confirmation screen.
  • Fixed a styling issue with the Member Subscriptions widget.
  • Fixed a styling issue with the "Best Sellers" and "Latest Products" widgets in some cases.
  • Fixed referrals not working when the site is not accessible to guests.
  • Fixed an issue where checking a Braintree webhook URL from the Braintree control panel would report a 500 server error incorrectly.


  • Improved the conversion process when disabling a conversion step that another step required to run first.
  • Added conversion of article tags to vBCMS.
  • Added conversion of extra article categories in vBCMS, extra categories will be converted as tags.
  • Added conversion of meta tag keywords and descriptions when converting records from vBCMS.
  • Reordered some background tasks that run after a conversion is complete to prevent an SQL error during processing.
  • Improved vBulletin 4 conversion to retain user validating status where possible.
  • Improved vBulletin conversions to convert more PMs where they may not have previously been converted (due to parent messages being deleted).
  • Improved URL redirects for some vBulletin URLs including Social Groups, Social Group Discussions & Blog Entries.
  • Fixed an issue where some vBulletin Blog comments may be skipped during conversion.
  • Fixed an exception that can occur if Pages was selected as a conversion, but all options were disabled.
  • Fixed product filters displaying in the store using the "internal" name instead of the "public" name.
  • Fixed IP address information not converting with vBulletin Blog.
  • Fixed certain user preferences not converting with vBulletin 4.
  • Fixed some PHP notices that can occur in vBCMS converter with specific data.
  • Fixed an issue where Gift Card email links may not work correctly when email statistics are enabled.
  • Removed URL redirection for vBCMS records since required data is not available to support this.


  • Fixed an issue where the moderation history link wasn't shown for deleted topics.
  • Fix Safari not scrolling to the reply box when clicking the "Reply to this topic" button at the top of a topic.


  • Fixed REST API documentation showing the wrong endpoints for categories.
  • Fixed sidebar not showing Club content correctly when the "Show Club Content Areas" setting is set to "Throughout the community"


  • Fixed an issue submitting images with capitalized file extensions when movies have maximum allowed filesizes.
  • Fixed multiple issues adding, editing and repositioning image notes.
  • Fixed an incorrect gap between the tabs and reviews/comments while viewing an image.


  • Improved database permission configuration forms to better indicate if a group won't be able to access the database due to page-level permissions.
  • Fixed bullet points using the wrong style (unfilled circle rather than filled circle) in database records.
  • Fixed a (potential) issue moving database records files when adjusting the file storage configuration method for database records.

REST / OAuth

  • Fixed an uncaught exception in the member notifications REST API endpoint when an orphaned piece of content is present.
  • Fixed certain `notificationData` entries returning `NULL` in the member notifications REST API endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where address lines in REST API calls may be returned as an object instead of an array.

Third-Party / Developer / Designer Mode

  • Fixed an issue using the node form helper when not using `$titleLangPrefix` in the node model, and using apostrophies in a node's title.
  • Advertisements no longer use the .ipsAdvertisement_* class names, and instead use dynamic classnames unique to each community. Themes that restyle advertisements should update their CSS to use `.ips{expression="mb_ucfirst(\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY)"}` instead.
  • Adjusted the abstract class definition for `\IPS\Content\Search\Index::hashesWithPermission()` to match the docblock.
  • Fixed an issue where Database table helpers could allow a blank advanced search value in specific situations.
  • Fixed an error using reviews with content items but not containers when post before registering is enabled.
  • Removed an extra parameter being passed to `_comments()` in some cases which could interfer with third party plugins.
  • Removed some unused code in `\IPS\Output::error()`.
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  • 38

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