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Kodi 18.0 Alpha 1 download en release

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De eerste officiële ontwikkelversie van Kodi versie 18.0 is beschikbaar gekomen. Deze crossplatform-mediacentersoftware wordt ontwikkeld voor Windows, macOS, Linux, Android en iOS. In versie 18.0, die codenaam Leia draagt, is onder meer de hele broncode doorgenomen, wat tot een verbeterde stabiliteit leidt. Verder zijn er diverse verbeteringen aangebracht in de muziek bibliotheek en het kijken van live televisie, is er een volledige 64bit-versie van Kodi en is het nu ook verkrijgbaar via de Windows Store.

Tenslotte is de mediaspeler verbeterd, waardoor er minder haperingen zouden moeten voorkomen en kan het ook prima overweg met 4k- en 8k-resoluties, hdr, drm en de nieuwste codecs. De complete changelog voor deze uitgave is hier te vinden, dit is het eerste stuk uit de release notes:

Kodi v18 Leia - Alpha 1

A new hope dawns and it is finally time to start heading towards a final release. Today we are happy to announce that we are bringing you the first official pre-release Alpha build to a galaxy near you.

Around November 2017 the team decided that v17 Krypton was mature enough to start with the release steps and as such it was branched off from our main development tree. This basically means it received its own place in our development repository and would only receive bug fixes and small improvements. This is also the moment that frees up the possibility for several core developers to start another cleanup and improvement spree that was also done when just starting with v17. This usually entails to take a more evasive steps on cleaning up code and less taking in account that certain parts will be broken for a certain time. Having a good foundation to build on is key in anything and that also includes a software application.

It’s hard to renovate a home while people are constantly using it and it’s easier to just move them to a neighbouring home while parts are being torn down and being rebuild.
Maybe this is a simple analogy however it kinda fits. Another one is replacing the wheels and engine of a car while you’re doing 120km/h on the freeway. Better pull it aside and do it properly and give the driver a spare car that still works fine although it's not so fancy driving yet.

In the past we mentioned doing RERO (Release Early Release Often) at times and to be honest we didn’t really got to that part so far. Only the bugfix versions of the final builds followed this to just make fixes available as soon as we saw fit. For a massive application like Kodi with many platforms and components a RERO approach is quite demanding on all people involved and perhaps it wouldn’t really make sense to do so in current state we are in. We do see this improving by the day so we are on the right track. At current time v17 is already a year old (with 17.6 bugfix past november) however it really just works fine across the board and should keep working for a long time. As we continued the work with current v18 Leia it kind of became apparent that the current workflow we are in works very very well. A healthy balance to the force (at least that’s what i personally feel) is currently active between cleanup, features and fixing regressions. A lot of Team Jedi and also regular users are running these nightlies builds and it’s getting rock solid to use. Of course you should still keep in mind that on any upgrade a small glitch could happen as we are still doing rework. Having a semi recent backup is certainly always a good idea.

Kodi v18 Leia

Versienummer    18.0 Alpha 1
Releasestatus    Alpha
Besturingssystemen    Windows 7, Android, Linux, macOS, iOS, Windows 8, Windows 10
Download    http://kodi.tv/download

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De afgelopen maanden de pre-alpha versies van Kodi 18 op me NAS getest.
Werkte allemaal zonder problemen. Draaide voor een pre-alpha ook zeer stabiel.

Laat de alphaversies, bètaversies en release candidates maar komen van Kodi 18. :)

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Kodi werkt fantastisch op mijn beamer, alle andere Android apps voor video/audio hebben problemen en beperkingen. Kodi niet. :)

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Ondersteunt het raspberry pi?

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Ja, ik heb KODI ooit op een Pi 3B gehad. Handleiding.

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Geplaatst 2 uur geleden

Vergeten jullie alsjeblieft de VPN verbinding niet? Je internet provider zoals Ziggo of KPN kan door gebruik van de VPN niet zien wat er gebeurd op je internet verbinding en ben je volledig anoniem voor iedereen. Een vereiste tegenwoordig.... We een uitgebreide handleiding geschreven met informatie. :goed:

Deze vindt je hier:   https://www.duken.nl/forums/handleidingen/downloaden/vpn-verbinding-en-anoniem-downloaden-r35/  

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