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Automatisch serie download via sickbeard - Search Providers en Ondertitels

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Ik volg vrij veel series en zou graag het volgende willen kunnen toepassen.

Ik heb een windows machine opgebouwd en heb hierin SabNzb, Couchpatato en Sickbeard geinstalleerd.

Nu moet ik search providers opgeven maar ik weet niet goed welke ik moet nemen.

Je ziet namelijk in SpotNet regelmatig dummy links e.d.

Ik heb iets gehoord over het opzetten van MariaDb????

Als laatste stap natuurlijk het automatisch downloaden van de juiste subs.

Heeft iemand aub tips of hints zodat ik weer verder kan borduren?

Alvast bedankt voor de reacties


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Ik heb hier een mooi lijstje van handmatige search providers. Deze moet je met de hand toevoegen.

Provider Name: nmatrix.co.za

Provider URL: https://www.nmatrix.co.za/

API Key: (staat na registratie in account profile)

Provider Name: opennzb.net

Provider URL: http://opennzb.net

API Key: 0 (niet nodig, vul daarom een 0 in)

Provider Name: nzbplanet.net

Provider URL: http://nzbplanet.net/

API Key: (staat na registratie in account profile)

Provider Name: nzbzombie.com

Provider URL: www.nzbzombie.com

API Key: (staat na registratie in account profile)

Provider Name: www.nzbstars.com

Provider URL: www.nzbstars.com/

API Key: (staat na registratie in account profile)

Provider Name: nzbtv.net

Provider URL: http://nzbtv.net/

API Key: (staat na registratie in account profile)

Ik zal nog voor je kijken met subtitles, maar aan je topic te zien ben je al goed opweg!

Tipje, zet de standaard Sick Beard Index onderaan binnen Provider Priorities, Sick Beard Index download namelijk ook bestanden die password-protected zijn, bijna alle andere providers doen dit niet. Zet Womble’s Index en Usenet-Crawler bovenaan, deze providers geven de beste resultaten voor nieuwe afleveringen. Heb je ook niet zo veel last van Take Downs

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  • Bijdragen:  1573
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  • Lid sinds:  04/17/09
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  • Leeftijd:  41

Mariadb is een database pakket. Hierdoor is het mogelijk om bijvoorbeeld lokaal spotweb te draaien. Dat is een website zoals nzbserver.com maar dan lokaal op je eigen PC.

Spotweb moet zijn data namelijk wegschrijven in een database. Dat kan onderandere in Mariadb. Ga je gebruik maken van Spotweb lokaal ?

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  • Bijdragen:  91
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  • Lid sinds:  05/04/14
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Hi DukeNPDA,

nmatrix.co.za is niet meer bereikbaar

Om het overzicht te bewaren in de logfile heb ik vervolgens OpenNZB.net toegevoegd en op Mass Update geklikt en gekozen voor update en rescan is sickbeard.


Ik krijg nu de volgende meldingen in de logfile, ik hoop dat het leesbaar is.

2015-09-14 19:50:53 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: sickbeard.db: UPDATE tv_shows SET status = ?, air_by_date = ?, flatten_folders = ?, skip_notices = ?, network = ?, startyear = ?, show_name = ?, rls_require_words = ?, tvr_name = ?, paused = ?, airs = ?, location = ?, rls_ignore_words = ?, last_update_tvdb = ?, genre = ?, runtime = ?, quality = ?, tvr_id = ?, lang = ? WHERE tvdb_id = ? with args [u'Continuing', 0, 0, 0, u'FOX (US)', 2014, u'Gotham', u'', u'', 0, u'Monday 8:00 PM', u'D:\\Downloads\\complete\\_series\\Gotham', u'', 735855, u'|Crime|Drama|Thriller|', 0, 33271, 0, u'en', 274431]

2015-09-14 19:50:53 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 274431: Saving show info to database

2015-09-14 19:50:53 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 274431: Loading show info from theTVDB

2015-09-14 19:50:53 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Retrieving show info from TVDB

2015-09-14 19:50:53 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Beginning update of Gotham

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: No new cache images needed, not retrieving new ones

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if file P:\Program Files (x86)\SickBeard-win32-alpha-build503\cache\images\269533.banner.jpg exists

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if file P:\Program Files (x86)\SickBeard-win32-alpha-build503\cache\images\269533.poster.jpg exists

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if we need any cache images for show 269533

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking & filling cache for show The Last Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND location != '' with args [269533]

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Writing NFOs for all episodes

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\tvshow.nfo exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Writing NFOs for show

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for Sony PS3

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\season-all.tbn exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\season02.tbn exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\season01.tbn exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Metadata provider XBMC creating season posters for The Last Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\season-specials.tbn exists: False

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\folder.jpg exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\folder.jpg exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking if D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\fanart.jpg exists: True

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for XBMC

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for WDTV

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for TIVO

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for Mede8er

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for XBMC 12+

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Running metadata routines for MediaBrowser

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND location != '' with args [269533]

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Loading all episodes with a location from the database

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Loading all episodes from the show directory D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:50 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Performing refresh on The Last Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:50 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Couldn't get TVRage ID because we're unable to sync TVDB and TVRage: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship failed

2015-09-14 19:50:50 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:29 DEBUG SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Loading TVRage info from URL: http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 19:50:29 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the last aired episode to see if the dates match between TVDB and TVRage


AATVRageException: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship failed

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 251, in _getTVRageInfo

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  • Bijdragen:  91
  • Waardering:   23
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  • Lid sinds:  05/04/14
  • Status:  Offline
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Ook met nzbtv problemen

2015-09-14 21:04:13 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the last aired episode to see if the dates match between TVDB and TVRage


AATVRageException: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham failed

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 251, in _getTVRageInfo

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 124, in confirmShow

2015-09-14 21:04:13 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Error encountered while checking TVRage<->TVDB sync: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham failed

2015-09-14 21:04:13 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham

2015-09-14 21:03:52 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the first episode of each season to see if the air dates match between TVDB and TVRage

2015-09-14 21:03:52 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Unable to add TVRage info: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=Gotham failed

2015-09-14 21:03:52 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=Gotham

2015-09-14 21:03:31 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the last aired episode to see if the dates match between TVDB and TVRage


AATVRageException: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham failed

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 251, in _getTVRageInfo

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 124, in confirmShow

2015-09-14 21:03:31 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Error encountered while checking TVRage<->TVDB sync: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham failed

2015-09-14 21:03:31 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=Gotham

2015-09-14 21:03:10 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the first episode of each season to see if the air dates match between TVDB and TVRage

2015-09-14 21:03:10 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: The episode was deleted, skipping the rest of the load

2015-09-14 21:03:09 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: This episode (Gotham - 2x5) has no name on TVDB

2015-09-14 21:03:09 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: The episode was deleted, skipping the rest of the load

2015-09-14 21:03:09 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: This episode (Gotham - 2x3) has no name on TVDB

2015-09-14 21:03:09 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 274431: Loading all episodes from theTVDB...

2015-09-14 21:03:09 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Loading all episodes from the DB

2015-09-14 21:03:08 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 274431: Loading show info from theTVDB

2015-09-14 21:03:08 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Beginning update of Gotham

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Done cache check

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Copying from D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship\folder.jpg to P:\Program Files (x86)\SickBeard-win32-alpha-build503\cache\images\269533.poster.jpg

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Image cache dir didn't exist, creating it at P:\Program Files (x86)\SickBeard-win32-alpha-build503\cache\images

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Checking & filling cache for show The Last Ship

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Writing NFOs for all episodes

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Writing NFOs for show

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Loading all episodes with a location from the database

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: 269533: Loading all episodes from the show directory D:\Downloads\complete\_series\The Last Ship

2015-09-14 21:03:05 INFO SHOWQUEUE-REFRESH :: Performing refresh on The Last Ship

2015-09-14 21:03:05 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 21:02:44 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the last aired episode to see if the dates match between TVDB and TVRage


AATVRageException: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship failed

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 251, in _getTVRageInfo

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 124, in confirmShow

2015-09-14 21:02:44 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Error encountered while checking TVRage<->TVDB sync: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship failed

2015-09-14 21:02:44 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 21:02:23 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the first episode of each season to see if the air dates match between TVDB and TVRage

2015-09-14 21:02:23 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Unable to add TVRage info: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship failed

2015-09-14 21:02:23 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 21:02:13 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-RSS-SEARCH :: No needed episodes found on the RSS feeds

2015-09-14 21:02:13 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-RSS-SEARCH :: Searching all providers for any needed episodes

2015-09-14 21:02:13 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-RSS-SEARCH :: Beginning search for new episodes on RSS

2015-09-14 21:02:13 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-RSS-SEARCH :: Changing all old missing episodes (UNAIRED) to status WANTED

2015-09-14 21:02:02 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the last aired episode to see if the dates match between TVDB and TVRage


AATVRageException: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship failed

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 251, in _getTVRageInfo

AA File "sickbeard\tvrage.pyo", line 124, in confirmShow

2015-09-14 21:02:02 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Error encountered while checking TVRage<->TVDB sync: urlopen call to http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship failed

2015-09-14 21:02:02 WARNING SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: URL error [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond while loading URL http://services.tvrage.com/tools/quickinfo.php?ep=1x1&show=The+Last+Ship

2015-09-14 21:01:40 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Checking the first episode of each season to see if the air dates match between TVDB and TVRage

2015-09-14 21:01:40 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 269533: Loading all episodes from theTVDB...

2015-09-14 21:01:40 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Loading all episodes from the DB

2015-09-14 21:01:40 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: 269533: Loading show info from theTVDB

2015-09-14 21:01:40 INFO SHOWQUEUE-FORCE-UPDATE :: Beginning update of The Last Ship

2015-09-14 21:01:15 INFO CHECKVERSION :: No scene exceptions update needed

2015-09-14 21:01:14 INFO CHECKVERSION :: Check scene exceptions update

2015-09-14 21:01:14 INFO CHECKVERSION :: No update needed

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO CHECKVERSION :: Checking if win needs an update

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: 269533: Loading show info from database

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: 274431: Loading show info from database

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: Loading initial show list

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: Starting Sick Beard on

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: No orphan episodes, check passed

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: No duplicate episode, check passed

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: No duplicate show, check passed

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: Checking database structure...

2015-09-14 21:01:12 INFO MAIN :: Checking database structure...

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