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windows server 2003

Gast c4ssh3rn

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Gast c4ssh3rn

mijn vraag is: is windows server 2003 beter dan xp?

sneller enz.

op torrentpassion (daar staat hij op btw) staat dat hij stabiler is en sneller

maar is dat ook zo

als dat zo is duren de laadtijden van spellen dus minder¿?

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Ja windows 2003 server is Stabiler en nee hij is niet sneller. Windows 2003 server is simpelweg voor servers. Dus voor het draaien van een active directory, delicated servers etc. Maar gamen gaat er niet sneller op ;)

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sommige games kun je niet eens installeren op windows 2003 :P

ben ik op school achter gekomen  :D

ff wachten dus op windows vista  :)

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Gast sebasjuh

sommige games kun je niet eens installeren op windows 2003 :P

ben ik op school achter gekomen  :D

ff wachten dus op windows vista  :)

Vista wordt idd speciaal voor de gamers!

Dankzij Vista worden je games nog mooier en komt ook de nieuwste DirectX versie op uit waardoor je de games ook weer nog mooier kan spelen.

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maar heb net ff gekeken op torrentpassion en tis niet egt een windows 2003

hier de omschrijving:

dit is vergelijkbaar met de versie van windows xp Retestrak .. dus ook unattended

geen serial of activaton needed

Based on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, this specially made version

of Windows has been fully tweaked and transformed for home use/playing games.

This operating system will run almost all of the software that runs on Windows XP.

"Why use Windows Server 2003?" you might ask - because it runs everything faster

than Windows XP. Server 2003 boots up faster than XP, it even runs GAMES faster

than Windows XP, for example - loading levels in Half Life 2 takes a third of

the time it takes in Windows XP. Also, you get way better frame rates in server

2003 too.

Server 2003 has no Welcome screen and it is simply more responsive than Windows XP.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 allows up to eight processors and

1 TB (terabyte) of RAM, yes, up to one thousand gigabytes of RAM! So this OS is

somewhat future proof, since most home systems only use one or maybe two processors

at the most and usually only use up to 4Gb or 8Gb of RAM in even the most extreme

gaming setups.


Perhaps it is best not to mention the real world cost of this OS, but remember,

this eXPerience Edition is not meant to be used as a server OS, although the

truth is, it could be used as a server OS if you wanted, because it has not

actually been "converted" to a workstation, only carefully tweaked for "home

use". Bear in mind that some features have been stripped out of this special

edition, however, this should not affect the use of this OS as a server, but

this is not its intended purpose - the purpose of this OS is to provide a very

fast and very stable home OS that runs software faster than XP could ever hope

to be, especially now XP has over 65 post SP2 hotfixes you have to cram into

it, it seems to get slower with every hotfix that you install. Microsoft cannot

afford to be like that with Server 2003 because it costs too much and professional

Administrators would catch on. Maybe the slowness of XP is down to Vista coming

soon, who knows, but XP is not what it once was, the fastest XP is probably with

SP1. The theory goes that hotfixes protect you from viruses and spyware, but I

have yet to experience any real evidence of that, however there is plenty of

evidence that hotfixes bloat XP and slow it down! Again, just in time for Vista.

DO NOT use conversion to a workstation tools on this OS like "TweakNT" or "Reset5"

because those tools do not work on this corporate version of Server 2003. If you

use these tools, the OS will not be bootable anymore.

The WINDOWS folder for this installation only uses 630Mb of hard disk space, the

normal full install of Server 2003 Enterprise Edition takes up 1500Mb of space.


The WINDOWS folder for this installation only uses 630Mb of hard disk space, the

normal full install of Server 2003 Enterprise Edition takes up 1500Mb of space.

The ISO image of this eXPerience Edition is about 300Mb, this is half the size of

the normal ISO image and this special edition includes additional drivers totalling

about 45Mb of that 300Mb, so the actual size for Windows on its own on the ISO

image is roughly 250Mb. The included drivers are all integrated so that your devices

(see details below for included drivers) will be working on installation. Driver packs

used are part of Bashrat the Sneaky's driver packs, which are finally a solution to

unattended SATA problems that Microsoft seemingly refuse to address.

RAM memory usage on first install = 55Mb

Only install this operating system onto a freshly formatted partition or hard disk.

It is not possible to upgrade, because the option (44Mb) has been removed. If

you did "upgrade" from XP, you cannot go back to XP again anyway.

To install this unattended version, simply boot from the CD and format the drive

or partition you want to install to, then just sit back and wait 15 minutes and the

installation takes care of itself. No 'Product Key' is needed.

The following hotfixes are integrated:

Service Pack 1 (build 1830)

All 32 Critical and Recommended Hotfixes (Windows Updates) up to 21.06.2006

Includes the following programs:

MSN Messenger v7.5.0324

Windows Media Player v10.00.00.3704

redtailboa        #4 - 11-07 ( 13:58 )     

The following drivers are integrated:

Chipset Drivers

CPU Drivers

Ethernet LAN Drivers (NIC card)

SATA Drivers (no floppy disk needed)

Added to the Start Menu you will find

the automatic Product Key change tool.

This is because eventually and inevitibly, Microsoft will make people feel miserable and block

the key that is used for this unattended installation. Now, before you even connect to the internet

you are able to easily change the 'Product Key' in one click, just run the key changer, click "Yes"

and sit back whilst the ACCU2003 program performs its tricks. This special edition of Server 2003

does not need to be activated, because it is a corporate (VLK) version.

The following items have been removed:

Printer Drivers - 33.74 Mb

All Languages (except USA and UK english) - 81.60 Mb

Wallpapers and game controller images - 3.36 Mb

Windows Sounds - 2.11 Mb

Microsoft .NET Framework - 12.22 Mb

Administration Tools Pack - 13.2 Mb

Help - 23.0 Mb

Manual Install and Upgrade - 44.0 Mb

Search Assistant - 5.55 Mb

Beep Driver (stops annoying system beeping) - 2 Kb

Error Reporting Service - 140 Kb

Indexing Service - 6.36 Mb

Messenger (could be used by spammers) - 20 Kb

Remote Registry (would enable remote registry editing) - 30 Kb

Telnet Server Service (could allow remote users to log on and run console programs) - 90 Kb

UDDI Service (Server 2003 only, not needed) - 31.37 Mb

Windows Media Services (Server 2003 only, not needed) - 15.10 Mb

The following directories have been removed...

DOCS - 545 Kb

PRINTERS - 31.00 Mb

SUPPORT - 11.05 Mb

VALUEADD - 6.10 Mb


It is recommended that for antivirus you use Symantec Antivirus Corporate Client and for a firewall,

use either Sygate Personal Firewall Pro or BlackIce PC Protection. Common antivirus software like

that included with "Norton Systemworks" will not install on Server 2003, this is maybe because Norton

will not be held responsible for protecting a server - remember, this operating system is supposed to be

used on a machine like a rackmounted server with hundreds of other machines being run off of it. It is

this very same reason why Server 2003 is much faster than Windows XP and is rock solid compared to ANY

other Windows. The only other software that might not install, is XP specific software like Microsoft Plus!

that is for use exclusively on XP, in other words Microsoft Plus! for XP would not install on Windows 98 or

Windows 2000 either. It seems that the only problem with Server 2003 and software not installing is

your choice of antivirus and firewall - stick with the recommendtions above and you can't go wrong.

Here are the changes made from what this operating

system would be, to the altered eXPerience Edition...

Monitor resolution on first install is set to 1024 x 768 (even in Vmware)

Turned "Hardware Acceleration" up to full. (HWACC.EXE program created by Sjaakie)

Removed "Manage Your Server" and "Windows Explorer" shortcuts from pinned list on start menu.

Does not show "Windows Server Post Setup Security Updates" screen on first boot.

Does not show "Manage Your Server" wizard on Startup.

DirectDraw and Direct3D is enabled in DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

Programs are set so they have priority over background applications.

All "Ctrl+Alt+Del" prompts (login, resume & standby) are disabled.


Other Tweaks:

Disabled Print Spooler service.

Notepad Tweak - Turned on "WordWrap" in Notepad.

Removed "Shortcut to" Prefix on Shortcuts.

Disabled "Transition Effect" when you right click.

Disabled Window Animation.

Shows complete filename with extension.

Displays DOS filenames in proper text-case

Shows Hidden Files and Folders.

Uses Windows Classic Folders.

Disabled Balloon Tips.

Any open folders restore again when Windows restarts.

Disabled automatic restart in the event of a BSOD.

Disabled error reporting (but still notify on critical errors)

Disabled Windows Time service.

Prevented re-use of Internet Explorer windows.

Removed "Language Bar".

Made Internet Explorer maximum downloads 10 (default was 2)

Removed "Shared Documents" from My Computer.

Renaming of Recycle Bin is allowed.

Hung services are killed after 5 secs (default was 20 secs).

Got rid of "Places Bar" in Common Dialog Boxes.

Start Menu is speeded up to almost zero delay.

Added Notepad as a Right Click Item.

Added "Accessibility" to the "Advanced" tab of Internet Options in Internet Explorer.

Added "Always expand alt text for images.

Added Move system caret with focus/selection changes.

Added "Browsing" to the "Advanced" tab in "Internet Options".

Can open NFO files with notepad from the outset.

Stopped MSN sound when contacts sign in.

Disabled MSN startup with Windows.


Service Pack 1 and Hotfixes (up to 21.06.2006) that are integrated:

WindowsServer2003-KB889101-SP1-x86-ENU.exe (Service Pack 1 Build 1830)

Windows-KB890830-V1.17.exe (Malicious Software Removal Tool)
































ISO File Size in Bytes............................ 297,945,088

Files on ISO...................................... 4,818

Folders on ISO.................................... 33

Enjoy This

het gaat dus om windows 2003 experiance

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