Joe Armstrong
Geen gegevens bekend.
Bekend van
Closer to the Moon
Breaking the Mould
The Good Soldier Schwejk
To Walk Invisible
Darkest Hour
Midsomer Murders
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
The Bill
Party Animals
Foyle's War
Between The Sheets
Robin Hood
A Passionate Woman
Waking the Dead
The Bay
The Village
Happy Valley
Rose and Maloney
Black Mirror
Public Enemies
Dark Angel
Fool Me Once
A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story
The Hollow Crown
Gentleman Jack
Passer By
Land Girls
Joe Armstrong
Geen gegevens bekend.
Persoonlijke informatie
Bekend van: ActingVerjaardag: 10/07/78
Geboren in: London, England
Bekend van
Closer to the Moon
Breaking the Mould
The Good Soldier Schwejk
To Walk Invisible
Darkest Hour
Midsomer Murders
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
The Bill
Party Animals
Foyle's War
Between The Sheets
Robin Hood
A Passionate Woman
Waking the Dead
The Bay
The Village
Happy Valley
Rose and Maloney
Black Mirror
Public Enemies
Dark Angel
Fool Me Once
A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story
The Hollow Crown
Gentleman Jack
Passer By
Land Girls
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