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Persoonlijke informatie

Bekend van: Acting
Verjaardag: 11/09/70
Geboren in: Manhasset, New York, USA
Ook bekend als:
   · Jericho
   · Moongoose McQueen
   · Christopher Keith Irvine
   · Y2J
   · Corazón de León
   · Lionheart
   · León D' Oro
   · Super Liger
   · Lion Do
   · Chris Irvine
   · Christopher Irvine
   · Chris Jericho
   · Corazon de Oro
   · The Wizard
   · The Socrates of Pro-Wrestling
   · Jumpin
   · American Role Model
   · Demo God
   · King of the World
   · Le Champion
   · The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rollah
   · The Guru of Giving Back
   · The Influencer
   · The King of New York
   · The Learning Tree
   · The Michael Jordan of Michael Jordans
   · The Nueve
   · The Ocho
   · The Painmaker
   · The Alpha

Chris Irvine

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Chris Irvine

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Persoonlijke informatie

Bekend van: Acting
Verjaardag: 11/09/70
Geboren in: Manhasset, New York, USA
Ook bekend als:
   · Jericho
   · Moongoose McQueen
   · Christopher Keith Irvine
   · Y2J
   · Corazón de León
   · Lionheart
   · León D' Oro
   · Super Liger
   · Lion Do
   · Chris Irvine
   · Christopher Irvine
   · Chris Jericho
   · Corazon de Oro
   · The Wizard
   · The Socrates of Pro-Wrestling
   · Jumpin
   · American Role Model
   · Demo God
   · King of the World
   · Le Champion
   · The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rollah
   · The Guru of Giving Back
   · The Influencer
   · The King of New York
   · The Learning Tree
   · The Michael Jordan of Michael Jordans
   · The Nueve
   · The Ocho
   · The Painmaker
   · The Alpha

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